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4-Square Rules | A mere sampling:

Black Knight> If a player can catch the ball cleanly between their two hands before it bounces, the player that last hit the ball is out.

Leaping Knight> A variant of Black Knight where the catch only counts if the player is in the air when they grasp the ball. Otherwise, the player is out.

Dark Knight> Another variant of Black Knight where the catch only counts if the player can catch the ball with their elbows (like a bat).

Coup d’Etat> If a player can get the king out without the king touching the ball, they then become king.

People’s Serve> Any player can serve the ball. Don’t fight over it too much.

The Unforgivable Curses> A player may hit the ball on the first, second, or fourth bounce. If the ball is hit on the third bounce, that player is out.

Exile> Players may not touch their squares with their feet. Hands and other body parts are permitted.

Serenade> The player in first square must serenade the king with a song of their choice.

Quaker> All players, active and nonactive, must end their sentences with the word friend. They also must not curse.

Brooklyn> Everyone needs to be rude to each other and use at least one swear in each sentence.

We the People> In order for a rule to pass, all players must get a majority vote.

Double Talk> A rule that is specifically designed for arguing over whether the game requires it or not. It is the most important rule of the game.