
Missing Luis
I just wanted to say how much I enjoyed the most recent issue of Potash Hill. I especially like the contrast of black and white with color—makes for a nice read. Lovely article on my godfather Luis Batlle. I do miss him so.
—Margie Serkin, friend
Your magazine is beautiful, as usual. But unless I just can’t find it, you have published a drawing of Luis Batlle on page 48 without attribution. The oversight displays a certain contempt for the work of artists, which ill befits the aims of the college and its magazine. In case you don’t actually know, it is clearly a Frank Stout drawing. These things don’t draw themselves.
—David Rohn, friend
You are right, of course, we should know better than to miss attributing the work of Frank Stout, renowned painter and longtime art professor at Marlboro, who did the sketch of Luis (right). —eds.
Prominent Pioneers
It was September 1947 when I embarked upon the new and untested Marlboro experiment. There were rewarding experiences but also many uncertainties in the first few years. Fortunately we survived and ultimately evolved into an outstanding place of learning. Thanks to all who did this. Marlboro is fortunate to have exceptionally good leadership, and I have great expectations. I always consider the college worthy of support, and I try to visit annually. I am very hopeful that there may be some kind of observance/celebration of Marlboro’s first 70 years in our anniversary month of September.
—Charles Staples ’51
We are working on plans for an alumni event of some kind for the fall, so stay tuned. —eds.
The early photo of “pioneers” on the website (right) has some familiar faces. Jon Glasby (’55) is in his jeep, Charlie Staples (’51) and Howie Whittum (’55) are standing. Don’t recognize the person on the other side.
—Bruce Bohrmann ’53
Our records indicate that this is Emilia Bruce ’58. The file is named “Boys & Emilia Bruce with jeep.” —eds.
Bird in the Hand
Paul Willis FS71 submitted this photo (right) of Whit Nichols ’69 holding a juvenile northern shrike, Lanius excubitor. Research project? Broomball mascot? Picture window casualty? If you happen to know the story behind Whit and this unusual find, share it with us at pjohansson@marlboro.edu.